How many fingers do we have? 「じぷた」さんからのメール

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答を知っている人もいるでしょうが、じぷたさんはまさに finger と
「指」 の違いを土台にした文章に出会って、「目から鱗が落ちる」


Hello, Sakai sensei!!

Thank you for answering a question quickly.

I knew you had already known the answer.

But, I wanted to ask the question !!

Because it is 目からうろこが落ちる for me.

Now, I read “Hannah Swensen” series.

When I read “Blueberry Muffin Murder”(Vol.3), the question was written it.

I copy them.

“Look, Aunt hannah. Isn’t Danny wonderful?” Tracey looked up and smiled.

“He’s got all his toes. Francine took his booties off so I could count.”

Hannah laughed. “Does Danny have all of his fingers?”

“Oh, yes. He has eight and that’s just right.”

“Not ten?” Hannah couldn’t resist teasing her niece a bit.

“Of course not, Aunt Hannah. You know that people have only eight fingers.

The other two are thumbs.”

“That’s right. I was just testing you. Thumbs aren’t fingers.”

When I read Hannah’s question “Not ten?” I thought Tracey’s answer was incorrect.

She was too little to answer correctly.

Then I read the following sentence. My mind was blank・・・・. I was thinking, thinking, thinking.

“Oh, My goodness!!” 目からうろこが落ちる

In truth I didn’t remember finger’s English words correctly.

I remembered all finger’s English words correctly in this time.

I never forget them!!

Three Hannah Swensen’s books arrive from Amazon tomorrow.

When it happen to similer situations, I send a mail.


finger は日本の指と違うところが(少なくともわたしの知っている限りで)

一つは 手の親指は finger ではなく thumb と呼ぶこと。
ただ、上の引用にもあるように、thumb を finger と呼ぶ場合もあるようです。

もう一つは 足の 「指」 は finger ではなく、すべて toe と呼びます。

そして、Enjoy your Hannah Swensen mysteries!
And write back soon!!

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