決まり文句 続々々

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いーっぱい! 驚かないでください。


What do you mean?  ただ聞き直している/詰問している
You got it.
You might be right.
I’ll take it a step at a time.
That’s news!
Now that’s good news!
My treat.
As usual.
Anything you say, sergeant.
Hustle boy!
Good to see you.
Oh, don’t get me wrong. あわてて付け加える/わざと付け加える
Well,that’s the problem, isn’t it?
Well, I know from experience.
Just a minute, please.
Well, you’re in luck. これは言われたら危険!
Not really.
That’s for sure.
I’m not (so)sure.
Promise me one thing, then.
Sure. What is it?
I guess you’re right. 渋々・・・
What’s that?
I’ll get it on one condition. だいたいこの一つの条件が厳しい
Hey!  Wait up! これでも止まってくれないと、Wait for me. とか。
What’s that all about? 「今のはいったいどういうこと?」
How does it work?
Sounds like ~!
I gotta run. おお、これもさようならの決まり文句
Would you like to help?
Heaven forbid that~!
You’re missing the point here.
What is the point? 「話が長いんだよ。さっさと核心へ!」
What do they do with them?
Don’t be silly!
You’re not going to believe this. 思わず笑っちゃいますね。
This is insane! これもよくある!
That’s what I like about it.
Not yet.
What’s the deal~?
Good point.
I can’t believe my ears.
It wasn’t that exactly/
I’ll tell you what. 例の通り、何かを押し付けようとするとき
Tell me more about it.
What’s ~?
Come and see for yourself.
Hey, look!
I could be into that.
No big thing.
That’s not even ~.
It’s more like ~.
I could handle that.
I’m glad I caught you.
I need your advice.
Sure thing. これは Yes. の言い換え
How can I help?
That was good!
I’ll tell you what. また出た!
You’ll spring for it?
Excellent choice! だいたいお世辞ですね。
How could I forget~?
My question is,~
Isn’t it nice to ~?
There’s definitely a theme at work here.
Okay, group! What’s up for lunch?
I could go for ~. 上の質問に答えて
I’m up for ~. 同じく上の質問に答えて
Gosh,that would be perfect.
Now that we’re here. 「ついでだから」
Wait a minute.
So, what can I get you?
Hold on! 言い換えで Whoa! というのもありますね。
You’re right.
I’ve got an idea.
How about if~?
Even more brilliant!
The problem is,~.
You’re a genius!
Got any ideas?
I don’t think so. これも意味深な決まり文句
Too bad. 
That’s definitely on the agenda.
She was born to shop, eh?
I know! Why not ~?
But what to do afterwards?
How perfect!
How positively British!
And the timing couldn’t be better.
So where should we go?
This was a delightful idea.
You’ll have to thank ~.
We’re lucky ~.
I’m exhausted.
We deserve this.
Will you be ordering ~?
I don’t know about that.
What looks good to you today?
I’m going to have my usual.
Now, what can I get for the rest of you?
You’ll have to give me a minute.
I guess that’s a good sign…
It’s not about~.
All right! I get the point.
Have you decided what you want?
You ordered like a pro.
Be prepared.
Okey, folks! Here’s your food and your check.
See what I mean?
So what’s the damage?
How come?
I know how that can be.
It’s not just that.
What does that have to do with it?
Believe me, it can.
You mean your beauty sleep?
Your words, not mine.
You poor thing!
No wonder~.
I don’t know if I can stand it any longer.
I’m finished.
What  do you mean?
How classy!
Yoo-hoo! Taxi!
That’s not how you hail a cab.
We can’t be choosy.
You’re right.
It’s just good to ~.
Boy, this traffic’s heavy.
You’re such an amateur!
What happened?
I’m so mad at myself.
How awful!
Let’s not lose our heads, now.
Thank heavens!
I’m way too anxious.
That is a big help.
Hello. Is this ~? (on the phone)
Speaking. (on the phone)
You don’t know me, but ~.
I don’t know what to say.
And get this.
You deserve a reward.
A “thank you” will do.
Oh, thank you!
I’ll be right over.
I’d say it’s pretty amazing.
It’s all so confusing.
Guess what?
That’s a no-brainer.
I believe you.
How can I?
I agree with you.
I know what you mean.
So, you’re saying…
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