

  • さく粟野あわの 真紀子まきこ、ジョンソン 知亜紀ちあき髙橋たかはし 温子あつこ徳永とくなが 由佳ゆか
  • 髙橋たかはし 温子あつこ

  • Level 0
  • レベル別読みもの
    Graded readers
  • 電子書籍あり
    E-books available
  • ふりがな付き
    With Furigana
  • 朗読音声付き
    Audio available
  • YouTubeあり
    YouTube available

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Reviews by Tadoku practitioners

Me gusto mucho, tambien la voz, muy buena おすすめ‼
エヴァ (ボリビア人)

This one is very relatable 55555
アンニー (インドネシア)

エイミー (ニュージーランド)

レジ袋が有料になりました 3¥
ベンジャミン (米国)

この ストーリは すこし むすかし。
ラウラ (メキシコ)

Itzel (Mexicana)

Lo disfruté. Es chistosa la voz del chico. Los dibujos también son muy bonitos.
Ángel (México)

I had tears in my eyes when the story ended, truly inspirational!
Shubh Bhattacharya (Indian)

very nice, inspirational
shubh (indian)

I managed to understand a good amount of this one
Kaz (English)

セーディー (アメリカ人)

ここみ (あめりかぬ)

ジョンソン (アメリカー人)

I'm a beginner level zero reader and this book was a good read because most of the words I've learned or are just learning. It was good to be able to understand most of the words but at the same time be a bit challenging with words that are new to me but understandable along with the pictures.
Crystal (American)

クイ (ベトナム)

絶対に「大丈夫」です 🛍
Markus (ドイツ🇩🇪)

いそがしい学生の生活およく見えています。おもしろいことばもよくせつめしています。 日本語わとてもおもしろいです。絵も素敵でした。
ソーヨン(fullerton college) (韓国)

Christopher Acosta / Fullerton college (United States)

大好き!!! I like how the story is around a foreign in Japan and how he copies Japanese people. Sometimes is difficult to understand especially when they are trying to offer something and you think the answer is obvious but no. However, I like how the main character has a good development in the story and is easy to read and understand. Also, is easy to be familiar with him when you are learning a new language and adapting some phrases.
Lauren (United States)

This is a good level 0 story because it is not too short and it's simple for a beginner. I like that it shows the interactions between several people. A nice story.
ビアンカ (アメリカ)

Very nice. This is a funny story that touch on the nuances of the language for beginners.
Hane (Myanmar (Burma))

Lun (ベトナム)

バン (ベトナム)

Bo LEE (United States)

Great little story :-D This is perfect for my Japanese level, I really enjoyed it and the audio helps a lot with the correct pronunciation. Thank You :-D
Catalina (Colombian)

アンドレア (メキシコ)

If all stories at Level 0 would be like this, I'd be scared what level 4 is hahaha. A beautiful story that really did use not only some grammatical points but also touched on relatable moments when working at a new job. Top notch.
Biz (Romanian)

Super fun story to read, it helped me understand more the words that I have learned in my Japanese class!
Mitxi C. (USA)

The story is pretty interesting and easy for beginners! It's an awesome story that helps give you a brief and generl immersion of interactions in Japan.
Eduardo Miranda (United States)

5がな (中国)

初心者の向け理解しやすい本です。 本当に役立ちます
ade (インドネシア)

すごいです! だいたいわかりました。
アレリ (メキシコ人)

時々「大丈夫」不明です. この本は面白いです。
アービン (アメリカ人)

いいですって話すときはもっと行動が増えたらいいです.                          台湾の五郎
五郎 (台湾)

いいですね。このストーリーはかわいですね。This story is perfect for beginners in Japanese. Sometimes it is hard to know what "いいですね” and "大丈夫です” really mean. Even in English, I always don't get "It's Ok." This story is really useful and it truly reflects the doubts in my life. 私はこのほんが大好きです。
チェンヤン (China)

レベッカ (英国)

Sita Rana magar (NEPAL)

ジャルガル (🇲🇳モンゴル)

トム (タイ)

it's a very nice short story! I'm really happy that I could understand it without translating it! ありがとうございます!
アレックス (Russian/Belgian)

Lourdes (Perú)

スンウォン (韓国)

Very cute little story.
Yuki (US)

いいですね! The story-line is simple but on point where learners can understand the use of such word in daily life and how to encounter it. It's really enjoyable to read!
Syazwani (Malaysia)

メル (チリ)

I liked it a lot! Nice story and good for a beginner like me!
Iman (Bosnia & Herzegovina)

イメルダ (インドネシア)

Bagus untuk menambah kosakata dan pengetahuan tentang grammar
January Ananda Putra (Indonesia)

kalimatnya mudah dimengerti dan topik nya pun sangat sering ditemui dikehidupan nyata. naisu
Robiyanto (indonesia)

A fun short story, it's hard to come across engaging content for beginners. Really enjoyed it! :-)
Patricia (Spanish)

Even though this is a beginner level, it touched upon linguistic misunderstandings which might sound trivial for a native speaker but legitimately puzzling for a foreigner. It made me laugh and empathize with the character...at level 0!
Laetitia (French)

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