備考 Notes |
※この作品は クリエイティブ・コモンズ表示–非営利–改変禁止4.0国際ライセンス の下に提供されています。 ※「無料の読みもの」の使い方 ※製本するときは、二つ折(袋とじ)に綴じてください。(A5版) |
ジャンル Genre |
発行年 Published |
2021 |
サイズ Size |
A5 |
ページ数 Pages |
14 |
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Reviews by Tadoku practitioners
とてもかわいい 。。。
(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ) wuyyee しくしく
Qué tierna historia, y muy fácil de leer どうもありがとうございます。
This is a very sweet, simple story. Well done.
A simple and cute story. A very good way to learn the difference between どうぞ and どうも
This was a very enjoyable book. I absolutely loved how you the words どうぞ and どうも were introduced and utilized throughout this short romantic story. It was a simple yet great reading experience
Lame story and not enough vocabulary even for level 0.
大好き !!
Speedrun de matrimonio.
Easy to read, perfect!
Thx. A very easy read.
Nice and easy to understand
私は 春が 好きです。
I enjoyed reading this book. It was super cute and romantic. Although there was a short dialogue between the two characters, the art shown throughout the story expressed how the main characters feeling escalated for one another.
かわいい!Very simple and romantic. Good to learn the days of the week.
どうも! でも、早すぎる結婚!!!
😚😚😚😚😚amor del bueno
Simple, cute and easy. Perfect for super beginners!
どうも どうぞ だけの会話で、結婚するのがとても面白かった!そして、絵も気にいった
とても可愛いの本です!二人の恋が素晴らしです! 私は日本語を勉強します,ありがとうございます!
このほんはすきです。 わたしはふたりがしんせつひとがすきです。
本当にありがとうございました 内容が大好きです!
Que história legal
Adoro essa historia
第一天,男人亲切,女人感谢。第二天也,男人亲切,女人感谢。 第三天,女人亲切,男人感谢。两人的意思互相通过! 一日目、男が親切、女が感謝。二日目も、男が親切、女が感謝。 三日目、女が親切、男が感謝。二人の気持ちがお互いに通じた!
From giving a handkerchief to buying a ring. Brother didn't even break a sweat. Knew what he wanted, knew what she wanted - BOOM
my guy married a girl he met that same week, what a chad
Super cute story and art! I really had a lot of fun reading this story.
かわいい💞 short love story どうも どうぞ
It was really cute! it is really easy to understand what the meaning is. I understand the concept of どうぞ、 どうも。
This was an easy and cute book. I enjoyed reading about this mini love story.
これは とてもかわいいほんです。I thought it was so adorable and relatable how easily you can develop feelings for someone after bumping into each other so much :D. Super cute little book! Easy and fun read!
I liked this book! It's cute. I like how the art style is simple, but the story tells a lot.
We read this story in beginner Japanese class. A simple but cute story. We loved it!
簡単な字を見ようとしても 意味は深いですね 五郎 (台湾)
「どうも」と 「どうぞ」のちがいは はじめに ちょっと むずかしいですが、この本では かんたんに せつめいしています。
I recommend this for beginners. It's easy to read and it's a simple, yet cute story.
ははは すごいてす。どうもありがとうございました
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